Wednesday 29 September 2010

Squirrels are awesome.


My cycle to work is better than many others. It's three miles, usually takes me about 15-20 mins, but recently has been taking me closer to half an hour - my back wheel is bowed and so is quite stiff against the breaks at times. The greatest thing about the ride is the fact that I don't touch a road. In fact as soon as I get round the corner from my house, I ride through one park, get onto a footpath by the canal, through a second, much larger, much more beautiful park, onto a second, much smaller footpath by a river, and I'm there. Where as my housemate (check his artwork - ) has to cycle for about 20 mins down one of the busiest roads in Leicester.

Abbey Park is a big, beautiful park, with nice areas, lakes, gardens and such, but one of the things I enjoy more than all those, even more than the random faces someone seems to have cut into the trees and bushes ...

... is the squirrels which seem to have no clue as to whats going on. At all. Ever. Almost ran two over the other day. One of them just ran out in front of my bike then, in a flash, spun and retreated. The other ran out in front, and instead of retreating, just ran forwards just in front of my bike for ages!
So I chased it.
Calling out 'I'm gonna get ya!'.

Damn those things are fast.

Still, they are awesome.


I want this blog to be more than just animation based - I want it to be more like a personal diary. I don't want to seem self important as though you must give heed to my words (though I am, and you should), it's just a way of getting thoughts onto paper. Or... well you know... written.

But to the subject of animation - Here!

Jekyll and Hyde from my HYDE project

... and ...

Mudbox Jekyll, sculpted and painted!
Please view full size!

Now if only I knew an easy and effective way of getting normal maps to look non-crap in Maya... But I have done blendshapes for Jekyll and Hyde, so facially they are ready to animate with. I am planning on attaching each body member to a pre-built rig individually. Its partially for style, but also for ease of not having to build and weight a new rig.

Either way, the project is coming along nicely, and I have been given the thumbs up from my boss to get Maya on my computer at work (we use 3DS Max) so I can continue with it after hours. Hopefully this will give me more of a motivation to get on with it, rather than thinking I will work when I get home, then instead spend the entire night watching How I Met Your Mother which is what I will be doing for the last couple of hours of this day (by the way, International Suit Up Day - 13th Oct - - LEGEN - Wait for it - DARY).

Right. That's the end from me. Take care!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey I didn't mind you at all using my photo! It looks awesome and so does your blog :)
    Abbey Park is truly amazing I have to say and I also am glad to know that people do check out my blog :)
    So many thanks!
